* indicates equal contributions, or coauthorship
- Workshop: Constraints vs Structures in Type Systems. Hemant Gouni, Will Crichton, Jonathan Aldrich. PLATEAU 2025. Draft, Slides
- Workshop: Substructural Information Flow via Polymorphism. Hemant Gouni, Jonathan Aldrich. IWACO 2024. Slides, Lecture notes, [fleshed-out paper incoming...]
- Journal: Gradual C0: Symbolic Execution for Efficient Gradual Verification. Jenna DiVincenzo, Ian McCormack, Hemant Gouni*, Jacob Gorenburg*, Jan-Paul Ramos-Dávila*, Mona Zhang*, Conrad Zimmerman*, Joshua Sunshine, Éric Tanter, Jonathan Aldrich. To appear in TOPLAS. Pre-print
- Workshop: Action-Based Test Carving for Android Apps. Alessio Gambi, Hemant Gouni, Daniel Berreiter, Vsevolod Tymofyeyev and Mattia Fazzini. ICSTW 2023. Paper
- Workshop: Static Information Flow Control Made Simpler. Hemant Gouni, Jonathan Aldrich. HATRA 2022. Paper, Slides with transitions, Slides without transitions
- Poster: Implementation of an end-to-end gradual verification system. Hemant Gouni* and Conrad Zimmerman*. Poster at SPLASH 2021 Student Research Competition. Paper, Poster